A Patient's Guide to Rosacea
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Rosacea 101

Rosacea: The Basics Rosacea Basics
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that disproportionately affects middle-aged Caucasians with a light skin tone. This article helps readers identify key features of acne, and how to manage the condition.
Rosacea: The Basics Frequently Asked Questions
What is the relationship between Rosacea and foods? What about alcohol? This short article provides straightforward answers to common questions about Rosacea.
What causes rosacea What Causes Rosacea?
While the exact mechanisms that cause rosacea are not yet understood, flushing is a major component of rosacea, and as such many experts believe that there is a vascular cause to the disease.

What May Look Like Rosacea

Why is rosacea sometimes confused with acne? What are the similarities, differences, and what problem does this present?

Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is a reaction to environmental factors. Generally, there are two types of dermatitis: Irritant and Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Although they are completely separate from rosacea, the symptoms are common, sometimes confusing patients.

Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus erythematosus is a relatively uncommon autoimmune disease that has some symptoms which can mimic that of rosacea.

Perioral Dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis presents as a series of small red bumps that come in patches and may, sometimes, look like rosacea. The lower half of the face-the nose, chin, and the lower mouth-are often affected.

Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that is often confused with severe dandruff. Unlike dandruff, however, the rashes and scales with unclear borders can extend down to the face, sometimes resembling rosacea.