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Skin Foundations For Different Skin Types

Some types of skin foundations work more effectively for different skin types. Read on to find out what will work best for you.

Acne Prone Skin And Oily Skin:

Oil-free, matte or semi-matte foundations are best, because they are least likely to aggravate the acne. However, these do not cover or last as well as the oily foundations, they are more difficult to apply and tend to collect around skin blemishes. Loose transparent powders applied over the oil-free foundation gives longer coverage.

For skin with many comedones, sheer foundations are best. Inflamed acne needs moderate coverage, acne scars may need a cake foundation with minimum oil. Water-based creams or alcohol-based liquids can be used under the foundation. If medicated gels are applied they need to be allowed to dry before the foundation is used.

  • Mattique® (L’Oreal) liquid, moderate coverage
  • Shine Free® (Maybelline) liquid, moderate coverage
  • Demi-Matte® (Estee Lauder) liquid, moderate coverage
  • Oil Control Makeup® (Almay) liquid, sheer
  • Makeup#3® (Prescriptives) liquid, sheer

Normal Skin:

Moist semi-matte foundations are very good, especially if there is not too much oil present. Sheer is good for those who only need some skin colour. Moderate coverage may be desirable if your skin has variable colors from chronic sun damage.

Dry Skin:

Oil based or water based foundations with a moderate degree of oil give you the best chance of retaining moisture in your skin. The oil will give a semi-matte finish, and will be easier to apply.

Younger people may prefer a moderately sheer, moist semi-matte look, and powder can be added to reduce the shine. Older individuals may want to use moderate coverage that does not accentuate their wrinkles.

If you have very dry skin, a soufflé foundation may be more helpful because they are oilier and thicker. However, this can accentuate wrinkles, another option might be to apply a moisturizer followed by a less moisturizing foundation.

  • Makeup # 1® (Prescriptives) liquid, sheer
  • Liquid Perfection® (Elizabeth Arden) liquid, moderate
  • Moisture Renew Makeup® (Almay) liquid, sheer
  • MoistureWear Cream® (CoverGirl) cream, moderate

Combination Skin:

If you are between the ages of 25 and 45, you are probably in this category, you will have an oily forehead, nose and the central cheeks area, commonly called the T-zone.

In this case, it’s important to prepare your skin before you apply the foundation. The oily areas should be treated with an astringent, and the dry areas moisturized with an oil-free product.

Acne Scars:

Oily or silicone based foundations are needed and should be used with little or no water.

  • Pan-stick Makeup® (MaxFactor) cream, full (opaque)
  • Crème Powder® (Almay) cream, powder
  • Powdercreme Makeup® (Revlon) cream, powder

Post Surgical:

It’s important to take care of your skin after surgery in order to aid the healing process. No cosmetics should be used until the epidermis has healed and the sutures are removed, petroleum jelly may be used. If foundations are used too soon after procedures such as chemical peel, or dermabrasion may encourage tiny skin cysts or milia.

Once the epidermis has grown over, foundations will cover redness as well as the early acne scars. They will also as act as a sunscreen. Cream, or cream/powder formulations are best in this situation, these are of particular value after skin laser procedures to cover up the redness and/or bruising.

  • Continuous Coverage® (Clinique) cream
  • CremePowder Makeup® (Almay) cream, powder
  • Maximum Cover® (Estee Lauder) cream

An undercover or camouflage cream under the foundation can be helpful to add better colour blocking. For instance, a green coloured cream can be used if redness needs to be hidden.

Powders and blushes can also be used over the foundation for additional coverage, powder will give a matte or dull finish.

These cosmetics should be used for short periods, if possible, and removed before bed using gentle skin cleansers. Special removers may be required for the waterproof camouflage foundations. These usually come as part of the package with each specialty product.